Dynamic, open to the world and creative – these words describe Yaroslavl. But that is not everything the city can boast of! Today Yaroslavl is the economic and political center of the Upper Volga area to the north from Moscow. Offices of the largest economic corporations are situated in the city. Yaroslavl provides contemporary infrastructure and facilities for business development. The city is always open for investors – they will not meet bureaucratic obstacles here. This city makes a lasting impression on people from all parts of the world. It is the city of great opportunities. Opportunities that are worth using! About University Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA) was founded in 1944. And now it has more than half-a-century history. At present, YSMA is the big regional center of excellent quality medical education and bio-medical research. It is also the leader in medical training and post-graduation education, retraining of specialists of practical healthcare, medicine, pharmacy, and high skilled academic staff for the central regions of Russia. There are 6 faculties in YSMA, these are: - General Practitioner Faculty, - Pediatric Faculty, - Pharmacy Faculty, - Faculty of Post-Graduate education and professional retraining of specialists of the healthcare, - Faculty of Advanced Education, - Faculty of Pre-Education. At present about 4000 students are studying at YSMA (including foreign students and specialists). Medical training and education are conducted by 58 departments that have all the necessary equipment in order to provide high quality education according to available Russian and international modern standards of education. At YSMA, there are prepared highly qualified specialists of all local hospitals and medical institutions and professionals from other regions of Russia. The academic staff of YSMA consists of more than 550 persons. Among them, more than 400 have the M.D. and Ph.D. titles (including 310 candidates of sciences, assistant and associated professors and 70 doctors of sciences and full professors). Many of them are members of different Russian and foreign international societies and are well-known scientists and clinicians not only in Russia but all over the world. Modern informational technologies are actively developing in YSMA. All departments have permanent Internet access. These resources are opened both for the students and for faculty members, as well as there are special courses for those who wish to extend and improve their qualification in modern informational technologies. There is a big library in YSMA with two reading halls and facilities that are equipped in order to use data bases and Internet resources. YSMA have good social facilities and structure (including five hostels, sport centers, student healthcare center, summer camp on the Volga River, and the garden of medical plants). Education of foreign students both on governmental and contract basis was started in YSMA since 1992, now YSMA has fifteen-year unique experience in this area. Several international programs are available for foreign students, these are: - Education in Russian (with special preliminary extended course of Russian language) and - Education in English as a messenger language (first 2 years) with the following education in Russian. It is important that both programs are strictly adhere to the State Educational Standards of Russian Federation, and are based on deep routed traditions of qualified Russian education. Now many foreign students are getting their education at YSMA. They represent more than 30 countries (including citizens from Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Pakistan, Greece, Tunis and other countries). Therefore, YSMA is a big and well-known educational, research and scientific center in the fields of fundamental, clinical medicine and pharmacy. Professionals in Yaroslavl State Medical Academy are supporting new progressive methods and activities, and keep their reach traditions in the area of qualified education and scientific research at the same time.
The main scientific library of YSMA has been functioning since 1944. Nowadays the number of books is more than 450000. The are: 240000 volumes of scientific literature, 140000 volumes of study literature (textbooks), 18000 of foreign literature and 18000 of fiction literature. There are about 7000 readers, from them - 3500 students. The library serves 15000 readers per year, in which they do more than 225000 visits here. Yearly more than 640000 of books is given to readers. From 1997 the Internet class is working at the library. From 1994 the library gives the free access to the worldwide electornic medical databases (The National Medical Library of USA, State Central Scientific Medical Library (Russia), The Electronic Library of Russian Research Fund etc. Nowadays the access is given to 12 largest libraries. From 2000 the library is participant of the project for creating the Unified library system which would consolidate EDUCATIONAL RECORDSDepending on the time of study, background knowledge, and education foreigners get diplomas of: Medical faculties – M.D. – 6 years(English Medium) Pharmacy – Master Degree – 5 years Foreign citizens that passed education of national higher educational institutions on the level of Bachelor of Science can be enrolled for the studies at YSMA to get the degree of Master of Sciences. MAIN EDUCATIONAL RULESEducation of foreign students is conducted in accordance with plans and syllabuses valid at Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (these are in strict adherence with State Educational Standards of Russian Federation) or in accordance with individual plans and syllabuses worked out and approved by educational institutions if this is stipulated by agreements / contracts. After successful graduation from YSMA, foreign students will receive diplomas of international form that certify their education or qualification or degree in accordance with the educational system structure, which exists in Russia. Foreign students will obtain the diplomas that give them the right to carry out professional activities in accordance with the level of education and qualification. Postgraduate Education Those graduates (or foreign citizens) who got Master degree and demonstrated their abilities for scientific and research work will have the opportunity to enter post-graduate courses of 26 different specialties. Admission documents for postgraduate training (residency or Ph.D. Program) are: 1. Completed application form (including full name, date of birth, passport number, citizenship, permanent address, phone, fax, and e-mail of applicant). 2. Academy or University Diploma, transcripts and supplementary materials (if available). 3. Physical health examination report. 4. HIV test results. 5. Eight photographs (3X4 cm).
SEVERAL GENERAL FACTS ABOUT YAROSLAVLYaroslavl is situated 280 km (or 175 miles) northern-western from Moscow, the capital city of Russia. It is possible to get to Yaroslavl by car, by bus, by train and by airplane (in example, usually it takes 4 hours to get to Moscow from Yaroslavl by bus or train). Yaroslavl was found about 1000 years ago. Yaroslavl population is about 700,000. People with different confessions and religions (Catholicism, Protestantism, Christianity, Islam and others) are living here, so everyone could find their churches and chapels in our city. The weather and the climate in Yaroslavl are not differed much from Moscow, because of a short distance between the cities. Averaged temperature in summer is +28ºC (83ºF), in winter the averaged temperature is -15ºC (5ºF). Yaroslavl is a big cultural center of Russia. Many tourist routes lay through Yaroslavl. There are many cultural sites in Yaroslavl, these are: museums, theatres, movie theatres, parks, Volga embankment. Also you can find here many places of interest: restaurants, cafes, sport complexes, swimming pools, fitness centers, and many other places to have the good rest and relaxation. It is accepted that Yaroslavl is the most beautiful city on the Volga River, and that is why it belongs to the complex of most ancient and beautiful cities (also known as Golden Ring of Russia.) We hope you will enjoy to be here and to have the education at Yaroslavl State Medical Academy! MBBS/MD Fees Structure For English Medium | Tuition Fees : | 3500 US$ Per Year | Hostel Fees: | 200 US$ Per Year | Medical & Reg.: | 130 US$ Per Year | Contract & Other | 800 US$ (Only First Year) |
Imporatant AddressesYaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA) International Division of YSMA, Russia, 150000, Yaroslavl, Revolutsionnaya Street 5 |
View of Hospital
Eligibility Criteria for student :- Eligibility certificate from MCI (Medical Council of India) for Indian Students is required. In order to get eligibility certificate from MCI it is necessary to apply in the prescribed format attached with this brochure or it can be downloaded from the website of MCI www.mciindia.org students obtaining 50% marks in (PCBE) i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology, & English (40% marks in case of students belonging to reserved category) in 12th science standard and over 17 years of age are eligible for medical studies as per the norms of MCI. FIRST STEP- Required Documents for Admission 1. Std. 10th Mark sheet. . With certificate 2. Std. 11th Mark sheet 3. Std. 12th Mark sheet. With certificate 4. Two photo #Download Printed application and MCI form from website: www.canbedoctor.com read fill up . # For Application D.D.Rs.1000/ in fever of Gold India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. payable at Gwalior SECOUND STEP- Required Documents for MCI Eligibility 1 Std. 10th Mark sheet. . With certificate - 3 Xerox copy 2 Std. 11th Mark sheet - 3 Xerox copy 3 Std. 12th Mark sheet. With certificate - 3 Xerox copy 4 Four photo color 5 Admission Letter - 3 Xerox copy 6 Caste Certificate (If reserved category student) - 3 Xerox copy #Demand draft for Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) in favour of “The Secretary, Medical Council of India”, payable at New Delhi. Note :- Gazetted Officer on the application form and also attach three passport size photographs ( all document three legible attested photocopies) THIRD STEP- Required Documents for Passport 1 Std. 10th Mark sheet. . 2 Std. 12th Mark sheet. 3 Residence Proof with RD(Electric Bill, Telephone Bill, Domicile, Voter card ,Pan card and Bank pass book etc. ) 4 Photo color 8 passport size #Demand draft or cash Rs.1000/- Deposit at passport office for journal Process . FOURTH STEP- 1 Medical Report (HIV) 2 All document Legalization and translate From HRD & Embassy (self) . 3 Invitation 4 Visa 5 Student Inter National Card 6 Air Ticket ----- Flight Miscellaneous Expenses (only for the first year) • Registration Fees • Assistance for eligibility certificate • Medical • Visa Fees • Passport Form • Insurance of Student • Student's International Card • Invitation Letter • 5 Min. Talking to Parents on phone • Food Expenses During the Journey • Pickup From Airport to University • During Study services Help • Guidance For MCI Screening Test • Taxi for transportation Sincere V.K.Sharma (M.D) Gold India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. K -29, Gandhi nagar, Gwalior (M.P.) 474002 INDIA PH : FAX : + 91 751 – 4010133,2456981,6452733 Mob.: +91 9425126069, 9993310133,9893694946,9229265733 Email : contact@canbedoctor.com,goldindia_eduservices@yahoo.co.in Website: www.cabedoctor.com
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